For most pool and spa owners, December is a slow time of year but it doesn’t have to be! Sure, maybe people aren’t lining up in the snow to buy a pool or spa, but it’s a great time of year for other sales or strategies to boost revenue now.
Tip 1: Gift Cards
Everybody loves gift cards, especially when you have someone who is hard to buy for. And chances are, if they own a pool or spa, you may not know what chemicals or accessories they would like to have. There are also ways to incentivize your existing customers to buy gift cards as a give-to-get offer. For example, offer customers to buy $100 in gift cards and receive $10 discount on something for themselves. For more ideas on how to promote gift card offers check out “Hyper Effective Gift Card Marketing Strategies”. And remember most people, 72% in fact, will spend more than the value of their gift card when they come in to redeem it.
Tip 2: Pool and Spa Inventory Blowout
Who doesn’t need to move inventory?! Offering blowout prices does motivate folks to buy now, use later. The key to a good inventory blowout is to host an event. Send out email invites to keep costs down and make the sale a concentrated effort over only 1-2 days.
As for customer deals, try a two-for-one special on items you will be discontinuing as part of your year-end close out or simply discounts based on how much a person is spending. For example, offer $25 off when you buy $100 or more on chemicals and accessories. If they are buying in early December, hand them a coupon for a return savings of 10% on any purchase if they come back before December 31.
For an added incentive, bring in Santa Claus and offer free photos with the kids to boost your foot traffic and don’t forget to include neighboring businesses – they may want to make it a block blowout sale!
[Hint: There’s nothing worse than hosting an event and no one shows, so be sure to check out “How to Market an Event: 8 Ways to Give Your Guest List a Boost.” for ideas on using email lists, social media, your neighboring businesses and more.]
Tip 3: Stocking Stuffers and Holiday Décor All Around Your Pool and Spa Showroom
Decorations! Sometimes customers need a little push in their imagination. Be sure to hang up stockings with sample items inside, put bows on larger items, hang them on a giving tree, or place them partially wrapped under the tree! Show rooms are exactly that, show the customers gift ideas in the right presentation to spawn their own gift creativity. The fact of the matter is, according to research, almost 66% of all decisions to buy are made while people are in the store shopping.
Tip 4: Buy Your Pool Now, And Save Programs
Try offering incentives to those in your customer database who have been wanting to buy a pool or spa, but have not yet pulled the trigger. “Save on your 2017 pool or spa today!” Who wouldn't want to save on a large purchase?! You could offer a discount to those who pre-pay in full before the end of the year, or offer 2-3 term payment plans with the first installment due in December. Try even just offering an incentive like “Buy your pool today, and we will pay for your pool safety classes, swim lessons or CPR course for 5 family members.”
Tip 5: Give Back
Last but not least, it is the season of giving. Nothing builds more loyalty than a business who pays attention to the needs and charities of their local community. Try promoting an event where a percentage of proceeds go to a local cause, school, community organization, food bank or other deserving mission. Set up a giving tree in your show room and ask customers to donate food, clothing, blankets, toys, household necessities or other items. For everyone who donates, you can offer a percentage off their next purchase with an expiration of December 31 to still boost end of year sales. And remember, you are building long lasting relationships with customers and the community for sales in years to come.