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Welcome to the Evosus Support Center

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Evosus Legacy is the product that over 500 companies have been using for the past 24 years.

LOU KBA computer Icon

LOU® is our NEW cloud based software from Evosus®.

Support ticket computer Icon

Create a support ticket for any Evosus Legacy or LOU software issues. 


Emergency Support

Emergency Support is available Monday-Friday from 6a - 6p pst. Saturday & Sunday from 6a-3p pst for System Down Emergencies only. System Down means no one can log in at any workstation to access the software, to execute day to day business activities.


Need 1 on 1 Customized Training?

Evosus consulting is all about you, your business’ needs and finding solutions to your unique challenges. See consulting options here.


Need to Purchase Evosus Legacy eLearning Courses?

Evosus provides self paced online learning on a variety of subjects. Visit LOU.store to browse the various training offerings.



LOU Store

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