You want the customer experience of your pool and spa service to be nothing short of spectacular.
Countless things can go wrong. You need tools that anticipate those challenges and get things done right the first time! Then, all that customers see is your expert staff coming to their rescue to take care of business.
The great thing is there are so many ways to tackle this challenge - let’s narrow it down to four. These translate directly to the pool industry, so with that in mind, here are four key ways your company can improve customer experiences!
#1. Be smart about scheduling.
How do people schedule with you?
Instead of customers calling in or submitting a ticket to your system and waiting to hear back from the next support person, assign each client a primary point of contact for whatever service they require. With a single point of contact, scheduling is made simpler and key part to building a relationship between the customer and your team member.
You need a system that gets your service team to the most critical jobs first. Smart scheduling provides for routine maintenance placed later in the day, after the big urgent jobs are taken care of.
#2. When it comes to service: there’s no such thing as over-communication.
Transparency is not just a buzzword. Let customers know what to expect and when to expect it. Follow up after a service call. Give your clients the details on what you’ll be doing for them. Pool owners are a range of age and experience, and finding the best ways to communicate to them is essential. Find out if they prefer voice, text, or email and provide that communication. Giving the customer communication they respond to best goes a long way in improving their experience.
Follow up is the other aspect of customer service communication. Find ways to let them know what you did when the job is completed. The email you send with the receipt can include details about the services you performed and suggest scheduled maintenance going forward.
#3. The customer doesn’t care why you’re late.
First of all, don’t be late. Things do happen—appointments go longer than anticipated and problems come up. Your next customer doesn’t care about the details around why you are late. Improve customer experiences by letting them know where you are with a customer alert. If they know that you’re on the way because they got a text message, that is excellent customer care.
#4. Make invoicing and payment as easy as possible.
Here’s a prime example of how good customer service is just good business. Making invoicing and payment easy is better for you (because you get paid when you expect to) and better for customers (because they understand expectations and have simple, easy-to-complete ways of paying). The question, then becomes: why wouldn’t you make invoicing and payment as simple as possible? It’s a definite win-win.
Just like with communication, give your customer options. With the right system, you can get paid on the spot, via check, or on the terms you lay out with instant invoicing. From an improved customer experience perspective, having that information available instantly, along with several options for paying, will make your company shine. A pool is about their leisure time, so give them what they want—time to get back to the pool and enjoy the rest of the day.
We’ve all got stories, that’s just part of a people-facing industry like pool and hot tub maintenance. But when you improve customer experiences in these four key ways, you can mitigate the challenges that your team faces each day in the call center and out in the field.
A cloud-based system that helps you provide the best service possible is a benefit for your current customers, and it can help you scale your business to serve even more people. With guesswork taken out of routing, invoicing, communication, and more, Evosus LOU can help you deliver on all those customer experience promises.
Evosus helps pool service companies grow by giving them the visibility they need across multiple locations and between the retail and service sides of business.
To find out how Evosus can help you gain the level of visibility needed to help you scale your business, feel free to contact us today!