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Dan McManusOct 10, 2018 10:17:59 PM2 min read

Microsoft Update: Windows Standard Server 2012 R2 and Windows Datacenter Server 2012 R2

Microsoft has issued Windows Standard Server 2012 R2 and Windows Datacenter Server 2012 R2 to no longer be on their Mainstream Support after October 9th, 2018. We know this can be confusing, but Evosus is here to help you understand what this could mean for your business.

What Does That Even Mean? Microsoft will no longer correct any issues that are found  for Windows Standard Server 2012 R2 and Windows Datacenter Server 2012 R2.

Why Should I Care? Evosus software was built on the Microsoft framework. More specifically, Evosus relies on the "Microsoft Stack" of products to work. The Microsoft stack includes the Operating System, SQL database, Windows, Office and other related software to run. When Microsoft makes changes to their stack, it sometimes affects Evosus software, as well as thousands of other software programs.

What Could Possibly Go Wrong? You may have seen when Microsoft does a Windows update you get prompted to download the update and reboot your computer. When this happens, there are sometimes unexpected "breaks" that result. For example, Outlook behaves oddly or stops working entirely. Printers work differently and it can create (argh!) frustrating workarounds.

How Can I Get Ahead to Avoid Possible Issues? Unfortunately, Microsoft does not issue advance warnings of the updates they're making, or allow software companies to test their changes ahead of general release. With that said, we have a testing lab and QA department at Evosus headquarters and we "get ahead of things" as quickly as possible when Microsoft makes updates. Sometimes, this results in a software patch that is necessary for workarounds. 

So What Can I Do? The #1 thing you can do to avoid issues is stay current on your software updates, and your hardware. This ensures that you get the best support possible from Evosus. It also allows us to involve Microsoft, if needed, when diagnosing a problem. However, if you're on an outdated/unsupported system, there's little we at Evosus can do to help when an issue stemming from the unsupported system comes up. 

Do I Have To Update My System? No. What you do with your business is entirely up to you, and the decision is always yours. As with any decision, there are implications and they should be considered carefully. Here's how we can best sum it up:

  • If you are NOT working in an environment that falls under Microsoft's Mainstream Support, in many ways you are "on your own" if we cannot duplicate the issue you're experiencing within a supported environment. Your Account Manager will continue to provide guidance on general software related questions; however, we will not be able to help with issues related to Microsoft Office (ex. Outlook), printers, database or other networking issues.
  • If you ARE working in an environment that falls under Microsoft's Mainstream Support, that gives Evosus the best chance in helping you should any issues come up.


As a final reminder, technology is an ongoing investment. Just like your car or truck, there's not only an initial investment. You have to change the oil, rotate the tires and get some fixes from time to time. Technology is the same. By investing in ongoing maintenance, you'll avoid most major issues and keep your business running smoothly.


Dan McManus
Dan McManus, President and CEO of Evosus, is a seasoned technology executive with over 17 years of experience. His deep industry knowledge and strategic leadership make him a trusted authority on technology and software development trends, best practices, and innovations.