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What to Expect for the Pool & Hot Tub Industry in 2021
Dan McManusJan 5, 2021 2:59:03 PM3 min read

What to Expect for the Pool & Hot Tub Industry in 2021

While many industries took a hit in 2020, the pool & hot tub industry had the opposite problem.

In mass, consumers swapped their vacations for staycations and decided to invest in their backyards, and just like that, demand for pools and hot tubs skyrocketed. That’s certainly a good problem to have, but saying it was challenging is a huge understatement. 

Although there was a struggle to keep up inventory for this newfound demand, the pool & hot tub industry met the challenge. Persevered. Adapted. The growth shows no sign of slowing down, this year, either. No one saw 2020 coming, but we can at least prepare for what’s to come in the new year. Here’s what we can expect to see for the pool and hot tub industry 2021.

Rising Demand

Strong demand for pools, hot tubs, and swim spas should continue this year. Several dealers have let us know that they’re actively taking in-ground pool and hot tub orders for fall 2021. Now that’s strong demand! 

This will further trickle down (and already has) to other pool and hot tub products, particularly to chemicals and cleaning equipment. We’ve already seen a shortage of chlorine tablets in 2020. So, it’s safe to say that in 2021, consumers will be looking for non-chlorine sanitation alternatives, like saltwater sanitation systems and ozonators. 

Speaking of cleaning, pool and hot tub service will continue to be in high demand this year. Last year saw consumers buying tons of new pools and hot tubs. That means this year, there are a lot of people who will need help maintaining their new backyard oasis. Translation: there will be ample opportunity to grow in the service sector! The pool and hot tub service industry will have to adapt to better manage service requests from leads and customers alike. A robust business software and inventory system like LOU, specifically designed for the pool and hot tub industry, is just the way to do it.

Going Digital

If you haven’t done so already, digitizing your pool and hot tub business will make your life easier in 2021. With a pandemic that shows no signs of stopping, your business will need ways to interact with leads and customers on a virtual level. As you continue to get creative with ways to run your business while social distancing, taking things digital and turning to cloud-based software will help. Consider adding services like curbside pickup, drop-off water testing, and digital door hangers for service calls. Also, does your website reflect your current product lines and service offerings? If not, it’s time for a revamp. And, now is the perfect time to add that online store you’ve been wanting to your website! 

Inventory Challenges

With this continued demand, there will surely be times when — just like in 2020 — inventory fluctuates. We know this won’t be anything new for pool and hot tub professionals, after spending most of last year dealing with inventory shortages and fluctuations. However, it’s one thing to be in survival mode to attack industry shortages. It’s another to know the storm is coming and not take time to stock the pantry.

To put it simply, if you’re not already using LOU, you’re almost certainly looking for a way to keep better track of inventory, not only for pools and hot tubs, but for chemicals, equipment, and accessories, as well. One good thing about 2020, it gave you plenty of experience handling inventory issues and finding creative solutions. But, I think we’re all hoping 2021 is not going to be a repeat of last year’s inventory shortages, right? Here’s a bit of good news. No matter what happens in the industry this year, LOU — powered by Evosus — has you covered with the perfect tool to help you come out on top of every challenge. 

Are you ready to #evoLOUtionize the pool and hot tub industry in 2021? From an easy-to-use Point of Sale system to optimizing services and managing inventory in real-time, LOU has everything you need for your business to not only survive the upcoming year, but thrive. Ready to see how? Sign up for one of our upcoming live demos or contact us for more information. Let’s dive into 2021 together!

From all of us on the Evosus team, Happy New Year!

Dan McManus
Dan McManus, President and CEO of Evosus, is a seasoned technology executive with over 17 years of experience. His deep industry knowledge and strategic leadership make him a trusted authority on technology and software development trends, best practices, and innovations.